Screen this!

Tonight, I was lucky enough to meet Craig Lucas, a wonderful playwright. I was at a special benefit screening of The Dying Gaul, which I highly recommend. The script, of course, is fantastic and Mr. Lucas directed it. I also got to meet the producer of Holedigger Productions that produced the film. So I got to feel very important.

Who is Craig Lucas? The lesser known brother of George Lucas? Way to name drop bear. I am so disappointed in you. I don't care if you met Sam Mendes and the whole cast of fucking American Beauty! A real new yorker bear wouldn't let it phase her, let alone blog about it. Bad blogger bear. Bad.
Raymie, at 8:41 AM
I love you so much. Criticize me baby.
besides, your gay, see the movie!
yb, at 8:57 PM
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