Cusp This!

Friday, February 10, 2006


I didn't sleep well last night. I went to see the Seven at New York Theater Workshop with a sweet friend of mine who happens to be close to E. So, I got an update. He has indeed broken up with his girlfriend probably right around the time I received a 'just reaching out' text. Now I begrudge being nice to him. I wish I had withheld my friendship since it doesn't appear now that it was even my friendship that he wanted. He wanted to feel better since he totally fucked-up with some other girl. In these matters, the last thing I want is for him to ever feel better.

I have composed in my head all sorts of hateful things to say to him, but luckily my friend DW's advice prevailed. He's failed yb-school. Don't go handing out credits for free. So, because he's a drop out, sorry little child I am withholding my advice. Believe you me, he doesn't know what he's missing.


  • That's sp true! YB Councilling services should only be available to the students of the YB school. If not a YB student...maybe he should think of enrolling somewhere else.

    By Blogger X, at 9:04 AM  

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