So, I had my little audition, and it went well enough--to be honest it went fine. Fine means a no-go in most cases. I have to admit though, I was very happy with myself. I was relaxed and honest--which is what my goals usually are for myself. On top of it being fine, when I walked in and checked in with the receptionist he said, "oh, I thought you were a brunette." I said, "my roots are--maybe we can compromise." Charming but the two other girls I saw come in were brunette so I may not have been what they were looking for.
My work email is down and I'm feeling like I should be doing more work and can't. That's the news so far. I have exciting plans to do laundry tonight. It's been awhile since I've done laundry on a Friday night. I used to do it that way all the time while I was dating E since he worked at his restaurant on Fridays. I would do my laundry and meet him around midnight and we would go out from there or just cab up to his apartment.
Isn't the world a funny place? The past feels so far away sometimes and so close sometimes.
My work email is down and I'm feeling like I should be doing more work and can't. That's the news so far. I have exciting plans to do laundry tonight. It's been awhile since I've done laundry on a Friday night. I used to do it that way all the time while I was dating E since he worked at his restaurant on Fridays. I would do my laundry and meet him around midnight and we would go out from there or just cab up to his apartment.
Isn't the world a funny place? The past feels so far away sometimes and so close sometimes.
Maybe they wanted a brunette but when they saw you in your non-brunette glory it wowed the pants off of them!
And yup....the past can be too close sometimes....
X, at 7:01 PM
"so far away" carol king
Raymie, at 9:38 AM
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