Joy of Motion

I stole this because I love wiener dogs. But before you judge me, go to this blog because it's hilarious and bush-bashing, and the origianal source of the weiner dog picture. Really, how was I supposed to get a wiener dog action shot by myself?
Last night, I had dinner with some family friends . They are involved in some club with my parents down in hometown, Tennessee. They come to New York occasionally. The last time we ate, I had a salad and they remarked how thin I look and how crazy my mother is, since before they left TN she told them that my acting wasn't going anywhere since I was too fat.
Shocking she said it, shocking they repeated it, all in all: shocking. Luckily, I wrote my mother off as a crazy bitch in high school, so I can laugh when she says cruel things. My favorite my-mom's-a-crazy-bitch story is when I had just come back to NY after an out of town acting job and was in the first month of the T break up. I called my parents upset, because I had no one to call, and in my depression thought, 'that's what parents are for.' My mother and I talked for maybe 5 minutes before I realized it wasn't helping and left to go to the gym. I didn't take my cell phone to the gym. When I returned, I had a voice mail from my mother suggesting that I join over-eaters anonymous. I was already ten pounds lighter from the day T broke up with me. There was also a time where she put our cat to sleep because she didn't think that it was happy anymore. And I still ate with her friends last night. What a good person I am.
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