the scene
I went to a party last night. I wore fantastic costume jewelry and drank Wild Turkey. Enigma was there and I hope I didn't bring him down. We really didn't overlap for long and I had my own posse.
I found one of the other party boys quite cute. Cute boy is Enigma's arch-nemesis, but he's also my age, has dark hair and is a Taurus. This website says: Scorpio has an incessant need to express love through the action of sex and whilst this may flatter Taurus for a while, they will need to see your more affectionate and sensitive side, Scorpio. Taurus will only persist in a relationship as intense as this if you can offer security and support on other levels, irrespective of their sensual appetites. Scorpio will help Taurus explore their untapped love and sensuality, which can reach a peak in the Scorpio/Taurus bond.
I just wish I could find someone who will indulge my incessant need to express love through the action of sex. Didn't talk much to the arch-nemesis, since I was trying to be good. Though hopefully I sent off some subtle messages about how he might help me deal with my incessant need to express love through the action of sex.
I found one of the other party boys quite cute. Cute boy is Enigma's arch-nemesis, but he's also my age, has dark hair and is a Taurus. This website says: Scorpio has an incessant need to express love through the action of sex and whilst this may flatter Taurus for a while, they will need to see your more affectionate and sensitive side, Scorpio. Taurus will only persist in a relationship as intense as this if you can offer security and support on other levels, irrespective of their sensual appetites. Scorpio will help Taurus explore their untapped love and sensuality, which can reach a peak in the Scorpio/Taurus bond.
I just wish I could find someone who will indulge my incessant need to express love through the action of sex. Didn't talk much to the arch-nemesis, since I was trying to be good. Though hopefully I sent off some subtle messages about how he might help me deal with my incessant need to express love through the action of sex.
YB - Oh my!
You might wanna try a classified ad!
It would read:
Nah, this is too easy.
Oh, wait, no pun intended.
Neo, at 5:08 PM
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