In the midst of working a ten-hour day, the virgin asked me out again via email. I dated the virgin for a hot second when I mistook his silence for mystery when actually the silence was continually demonstrating his lack of opinion. It was a strange email where he apologized for leaving the underwear party early, in a huff, without saying good-bye. He left because he is, in my opinion (cause I have those,) totally hung up on a married woman. The married woman was flirting with some other apparently harmless boy-man who was not her husband which seems to be quite a habit of hers. I think I need some time away from that circle of friends.
He needs to have sex to release some of that tension or whatever it is that's keeping him uptight and unopinionated.
X, at 12:49 PM
Oh God...People who get hung up on married people are so annoying. Can you say...afraid of commitment?
NewYorkMoments, at 4:39 AM
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