Cusp This!

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Pick me!!!

I have my second interview tomorrow. All I want is for them to pick me. I don't even know if I want the job. I do know that I don't want to do my job anymore right now. I'm just tired and burnt-out there. But what about this new job sounds like it would be fun? At this point I'm not even sure what the game plan would be... Do I just make it up and get out there and ABC (always be closing, thank you David Mamet)?

I want to seem smart and prepared and are you ever really prepared and how can you prepare for something when you don't know what it is?

I'm off to internet research.


p.s. They are going to love me

Sunday, September 23, 2007

2nd Interview

So, I'm scheduling a second secret interview tomorrow.

I sorta just want to make a lot of money...

Which this job could provide...

It also sounds like fun--not being at a desk all day.

I'm sorta confused about how to feel. I'm scared and excited and concerned for my current boss. That she won't feel betrayed or upset.

Tuesday, September 04, 2007


I have a new roommate. I'm interviewing for a new job.

I just got back from vacation at home in TN and wonder if I should move home...

Lots and lots and lots going on.