Cusp This!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

My life, proof the WB was realistic

So on Thursday I went to a friend's birthday party / hip-hop extravaganza. It was fun. The opening band however was made up of:

Lead singer: guy I made out with once high who then had an uncomfortable crush on me for several months.

Guitar: E

Drums: My two night stand guy


I think perhaps we give screen-writers too hard of a time about a thing called believability.

In other news, I have Jury Duty tomorrow. Maybe I'll have hooked up unknowingly with the judge and be dismissed. We'll see.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

10 days later

Okay, I'm sorry it's taken so long to post. My best friend from Kindergarten came to visit for 5 days from Michigan (where she's getting her PhD) with her boyfriend I had never met. Being the rocking friend I am, I let them have my bed and slept on the couch in the living room (where the heat still isn't working properly). I then regressed back into the cold I had fought off only to have a big old work melt-down today.

I am still very slowly reading Howards End though.

Those are the most memorable events of the last 10 days. In less than 10 days my Dad is coming to visit. That should be fun. His Birthday is Monday. He'll be turning 73. 70 is the new 60 and he's strong as an ox and healthy as a horse.

I hope he'll have a good time here.

I also hope I can find someone to jump out of a cake for him....

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Howards End ~ Chapter 10

"Several days passed.
Was Mrs. Wilcox one of those unsatisfactory people--there are many of them--who dangle intimacy and then withdraw it? They evoke our interests and affections, and keep the life of the spirit dawdling round them. Then they withdraw. When physical passion is involved, there is a different name for such behavior--flirting--and if carried far enough it is punishable by law. But not law--not public opinion, even--punishes those who coquette with friendship, though the dull ache that they inflict, the sense of misdirected effort and exhaustion, may be as intolerable. Was she one of these?
Margaret feared so at first, for, with a Londoner's impatience, she wanted everything to be settled up immediately."

A few friend's have fallen out of my life lately. E BdS who I made such fast friends with has been as distant as she used to be available. There's an entire group of acquaintances who's evite list I fell off of. I'm a Scorpio so I usually square my shoulders, say 'oh well,' and wander back into the world to find new friends to fill the gap. Then I read this passage, and realize I've been acting too cool to admit the the dull ache, and the sense of misdirected effort and exhaustion that have accompanied the decline of these friendships.

Thursday, February 08, 2007


So much for the myth that nobody cares when a stripper dies.

too early?

Anyway, I got in a Whole Foods fight this evening. It didn't get physical (lucky for her). A petite young latino woman cut me in line then tried to act like I wasn't in that line. She said, "I see a line here" pointing to the middle line, "and I see a line here" pointing to the line that she cut in front of me in (clearly in a diagonal fashion when I was directly behind the other customers in a 'straight' line) and I said, "and do you see me?"

I can't believe I actually said that. I'm so fucking street y'all. I feel like I never think of the right thing to say in the moment and that time I totally did. That and she didn't know she was messing with a blue belt.

Rereading that story it would have been so much better if it were a food fight with organic foods. Maybe I'll try for that tomorrow.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007


So last week I went out every night and felt wild and young and reckless. This week I went out 2 nights and felt young and reckless but not too young and reckless (more like a college upperclassman). Today, however, I have a cold. The heat in my apartment isn't working very well, so that might have something to do with it. I refuse to blame my fabulous life-style.

At any rate, I let my boss know that I felt like crap and powered through the day getting everything I needed to get done lined up. At 3 pm I asked her to send one email for me and went home. Since I didn't take a lunch I ended up working a 7 hour day.

Now maybe I'm over-reacting but as I was leaving I told her thank you and she said, 'you're welcome.' I took this to mean that she was upset I was leaving 2 hours early. When I worked 2 hours late yesterday.

I took a two hour nap and then a friend from my hometown came over--he was only in town for the day! He's doing a touring show with the Kennedy Center and this was the only night we could get together. Besides, we stayed in and ordered pizza and a movie. That doesn't even register as reckless. That's maybe a tad naughty since I'm not totally well.

We'll see how it goes tomorrow when I have to interview people.

I believe that DayQuil will help me through. Today I went 7 hours on EmergenC, with DayQuil by my side I can surely pull one of those 10 hour days my boss has grown accustomed to.

Thursday, February 01, 2007


I went to a hip-hop/spoken word/flamenco dance/comedy show tonight. And it was so crazy amazing I can't even deal with it. I had the best time.

I love New York. I feel like I could coast on this inspiration for days!

Beautiful Beautiful life!